Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Sticky, Itchy, and Downright Icky Sensations: Jeans

Time to write about my first Sticky, Itchy, and Downright Icky Sensation!!! YAY!

Jeans/Seams on Pants
As far as I can remember, it all started with jeans. Almost everything about jeans drove me crazy when I was a kiddo (beginning around age 5 maybe?). The seams were particularly uncomfortable (they felt like tiny razor blades cutting into the sides of my legs), but then there was also the waistband, the fabric, the feeling of one pant leg being tighter than the other, the crotch being too high or too low, and the edge of the seam at the end of the leg; all of these things were ugghh... terrible!! Absolutely unbearable! Impossibly displeasurable!... Nope, that last one doesn't work... thought I was on the verge of a broadway song there... sigh. Anyway, jeans were awful! So what is a parent to do with a child who won't wear jeans? Oh man, so many parents are going to relate to this one... You put your kid in sweatpants... all the time!!! Actually, for me, it was often a one piece bathing suit with sweatpants over it. I'd wear this outfit day after day, happy as a clam!! I didn't care what people thought! I could FUNCTION!! This was priceless and totally worth the fashion faux pas. Sound familiar parents? Have you put your kid in the same sweatpants day after day to avoid a sensory storm? It's okay. My parents understand :)  

I joke, but honestly, what worked best for my family was compromise. The truth was my parents were not going to magically fix my sensory issues with jeans. All we could do was compromise on outfits that I felt comfortable in and that my parents felt were still appropriate enough for school. I understand that nowadays, there are seamless jeans and things like that for kids with sensitive skin or SPD. I wish those had been around when I was a kiddo; they might have worked for me....... I might try them now!!! I did look up pajama jeans a few months ago and considered trying them for day use. Hey, whatever works! But anyway, I believe that compromise may be the best way to combat this issue and that if you can get your hands on some seamless pants, they may turn out to be a good solution! Have you tried them already? Thoughts? 


  1. Great insights with this topic! I can see how this will be supportive and helpful to parents supporting their children that struggle with sensorys.

  2. The jeans story is very interesting to me. On certain days when I am very anxious, all my clothes (especially jeans) feel very uncomfortable and it's very difficult to ignore. On these days it takes forever to get dressed as I am trying to find my tagless, softest clothing. Also, I confess to looking up pajama jeans before so you are not alone!

    1. Carolyn, you make a good point! Stress and anxiety play a huge role in amplifying our sensitivities. Your strategy is a good one; wearing soft and tagless clothing is a great way to manage and minimize sensitivity. It's finding what works for us that's important! Haha, I am so glad we can relate to each other on the pajama jean front! I'm sure pajama jean friends are the best kinds of friends. Thanks for your comment!
